Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Communicative skills B1: A story


How are things going? A new writing activity for my students of Destrezas comunicativas b1: orales y escritas.


 Any students of B1.2 who want to join in the activity, please, don't be shy and go ahead!

Stay safe xox

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A2 lesson plan: Neighbours

Hi everyone!

How much do you know your neighbours? Are they friendly? What makes a good neighbour?

Click HERE to get a lesson plan including reading comprehension, listening activities and written expression. You'll find the answer key right below the hot air balloons. Don't forget to email me attaching your writing production and feel free to comment your impressions here.

Stay safe!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Everybody's Irish on Saint Patrick's day!

Today is Ireland's Patron Saint. How much do you know about the origins of this tradition and how is it celebrated around the world?

Try this webquest  ( clik HERE) and get ready to sing a special version of a traditional song.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!

Monday, March 16, 2020

B1.2 and Communicative skills b1 - Movies and popcorn part I

Hello everyone!

Let's start this week with an appealing topic: cinema!

Click HERE and you'll find a lesson plan which includes: reading comprehension, grammar revision (the passive), oral and written production.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

¡Hola a todos!

Tras el cierre preventivo de la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Llanes con motivo de la pandemia, he decidido retomar este blog en el que iré compartiendo materiales didácticos con mis alumnos de A2, B1.2 y el grupo específico de B1 de destrezas comunicativas.

Encontraréis el mismo material en el Aula Virtual de Educastur (pincha aquí para acceder). Ya que vamos a ser muchos los docentes y alumnos accediendo al mismo tiempo y ante la posibilidad de que pueda haber alguna dificultad o problema por parte del soporte técnico, este será nuestro "plan B" ;)

Estoy a vuestra disposición a través del servicio de mensajería de Aula Virtual y a través del correo electrónico lauragso@educastur.org